Newsletters - 2020
- New Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing prevention rules
- Opening a Bank Account in Portugal for foreigner that do not have residency in Portugal
- The increase of the Electronic Signature demand in Portugal
- Le licenciement collectif - un instrument de restructuration de l’emploi au Portugal
- The corporate group and the individual civil liability vs. Joint and several liability
- Simplex 20-21: the real estate and tourism markets in Portugal
- Compensation rights in the scope of aesthetic medicine in Portugal
- Transfer Pricing Obligations in Portugal
- Increased insurer obligations in the scope of the exceptional and temporary regime concerning the insurance contracts
- Extraordinary Tax Credit Investment in Portugal CFEI II
- Companies’ Extrajudicial Restructuring
- Agency Agreement Termination in Portugal
- Obligation of adapting cookies until 30 october 2020
- Payment Services and E-Money Institutions
- COVID-19 – Extension of simplified lay-off in Portugal and new support measures for business activity and employment protection
- Will and Succession Planning in Portugal
- Cyber in the times of COVID-19: the cybercrime triad
- Submitting the income tax return in Portugal until June 30th, 2020
- COVID-19 Credit Line close to become unavailable
- 2020 Solar Capacity Auction
- Suspension of Procedural Time Limits
- State of Emergency Declared in Portugal
- COVID-19: extraordinary measures in a business context
- Clarifications from the Portuguese Insurance Association (“APS - Associação Portuguesa de Seguradores”) about the COVID-19 impact on the Insurance Law activity
- Public Procurement Exceptional Regime: COVID-19
- The immunity of travel insurances against Coronavirus
- Cyber-risk and cyber-insurance (II): silent cyber, an ongoing revolution?
- Banking operations – Dangers of new technologies?
- Medical responsibility in the context of prenatal diagnosis (wrongful birth actions)
- Cyber-risk and cyber-insurance: the necessary uncertainty
- Non-habitual tax residency in Portugal – high added value activities and pension funds
- ajoutée et fonds de pension